Tuesday, 25 February 2014

I Need No Permission, Did I Mention

Wow did I procrastinate on learning the Single Ladies dance. Not sure why. Probably afraid I of course won't look anywhere as good as Beyoncé when I do it.

I found YouTube videos teaching the moves ages ago. I've even watched some, several times, but only once actually practiced along with them (weird, I know). I've repeatedly watched the video, just trying to imprint the moves into my brain. But I just could not get myself to learn it fully. It felt daunting for some reason.

So in the last few days of my 1001, I finally had no choice but to learn it once and for all.

After all that procrastination... I'm not sure I aced it, but I tried.

I spent about an hour and a half going over choreography from different YouTube videos, but none were actually that great. I found two that had the whole dance and seemed fairly true to the video. One of the girls openly declared that she has no dance experience, so although she must have put a lot of work into it, you could tell. Both instructors just zoomed through the entire thing, very rarely going back over the moves. I'm guessing they figure you can easily go back yourself on the video, but what a pain that is. I'm use to my dance classes (actual in-studio classes) where you practice a couple of 8 counts slowly to get it, then try it with the music. Then add a few more counts, then try it all again with the music. Neither of them did that.

The other tricky part was that they had mirrored their instruction. Talk about getting confusing between right and left. And then when you try to actually follow along with the music video, you're opposite of what you learned (so it seems) so it's harder to follow along.

One last tricky thing; if you've seen the video, you know that there's a lot of spinning and turning, which didn't translate so well into a dance without fancy camera work following you. Plus, I'm not so great with pivoting; I'm very careful on my wonky knees, plus barefoot on carpet, yikes.

So perhaps not the best of goals, but I did give it a fair shot, and to be honest, I might come back to it. Maybe the videos just need to be done over and over again. But I've had enough of it for one day, I did run through the entire thing, and I do know it much better than when I started.

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