Monday, 10 February 2014

And I Don't Wanna Fall To Pieces

I'm not sure what possessed me to want to complete a big puzzle. I've never really been a puzzle person. Well, maybe I shouldn't say that.

When I was 8(ish), my dad bought me a huge poster size puzzle of New Kids On The Block, which we did and then glued to bristol board and hung in my room. At the time, it was pretty darn cool. We always try to buy something for Christmas that we can do; one year was a clock made entirely of paper (yes, true), and another year was one of those 3D foam puzzles. That one was probably one of my favourite puzzles.

I actually had a hard time finding a puzzle I liked (that was 500+ pieces). Apparently I'm picky on design. But eventually I found two; one was a winterscape, the other was L'Arc de Triomphe. I started the winter scene, but soon discovered it was to be excruciating (it was almost all white!!). So I bailed on it.

Eventually I could procrastinate no longer. I decided Nick could help (since the other one was 1000 pieces) and over a few weeks, we picked at it and put it all together. It definitely had it's frustrating moments, and I don't know that I would have had the patience to do it all by myself. You really need somewhere convenient to leave it to sit for a while, to keep coming back to it. Our kitchen table over the holidays was NOT a convenient location.

Note to self: no puzzles next time.

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