Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Every Memory Of Looking Out The Back Door

To see all the pictures, go here (eventually).

I procrastinated way too long on this one. It was meant to be inspiring but fun, but I really struggled with how to approach it. 100 words is a lot, and they were very vague (touch, pale, fresh, life). The vagueness was good in the sense that it left it open to interpretation, but it struck me as very difficult to go out in the world, camera in hand, and just hope that something inspired by one of those words presented itself.

I eventually decided to just go through all of the pictures I had taken over time and select those that made a connection to the words. They are still pictures that I took. Maybe not with the intention to be part of this challenge, but still worthy. Besides, it seemed to me that those older pictures would perhaps be more meaningful to the word than me staging a shot just to get it done.

And the only fitting thing here would be a picture while I take a picture.

Nick and I ended up spending an afternoon getting the last few shots; it was actually fun. Some pictures were maybe a bit of a stretch, but it made sense to me. I'll get them posted... someday... For now, I'm just anxiously trying to finish my goal list by next Thursday...

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