Well, I have to give mad props to Bob Harper and his book The Skinny Rules. I've been following the 4-week meal plan in it and have so far lost 11.2 lbs. And I've still got a week to go. I've done really well, got back into exercise after surgery and stuck to the plan. I'm hoping I've developed some better habits so I can keep losing weight. I have to, otherwise I will not complete some of my goals, and that thought scares me more and more each day even though it is still over a year away.
I have so many books to read, movies to watch, things to do that I don't have the money to do. I've been getting a good chunk of my exercise videos done though, now that we have the basement to use. Nick's computer is down there and there's tons of space so I'm loving working out down there. Today I did my pushup challenge, a video, then went to the gym for yoga and a swim. I worked my butt off today!
I honestly am nervous about meeting all of my goals. The books alone, it's 4 a month. If I'm still supply teaching, it's not too much, but if I get an LTO I would definitely not have the time. But of course, there is no prospects of an LTO in my near or even distant future, so I guess I'll have all the time in the world. It's exam season, so no work, so I'm working away on my goals big time right now.
The thought of not finishing the list is reprehensible. I can't fathom it. I feel like I've never really finished anything I've set out to do before, I always quit. And although it's probably not good for the perfectionist in me, I need to finish every item on this list (even though Nick says it's impossible since #2 is based on how many goals I do not complete and is essentially paradoxical). But here I am, a year away and still many goals to go. Of course, lots are in progress, but I'm only at 38% completion yet 60% through my 1001 days.
Just the other night I planned out what goals should get done each month, how many books I had to read, how many movies I had to watch. It's not impossible, at least at this point it doesn't seem that way. Really, the biggest ones I'm worried about are weight loss and getting my cross stitch done. Talk about completely different things. Weight loss because I've been trying to do that for oh, about 20 years or so without success, and I have to believe that I will do it this time. Cross stitch because it is very time consuming and I have a long way to go and not a lot of motivation to get it out and work on it ever.
The good news is, these goals are always on my mind. I haven't forgotten about them and as long as I keep that up, I should be able to finish the list. Even if I am many posts and pictures behind on recording them =P
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