Wednesday, 9 January 2013

I'd Take A Bow, Take It Real Slow, Take A Ride Down That Yellow Brick Road

So while I do like to organize things, I also like to procrastinate ans that means sometimes piles form and well... that meant my filing cabinet became a disaster. I bought the cabinet purely for my teaching stuff; every day I supply teach, I scour the classrooms for extra handouts, assignments and tests, and bring them home to add to my collection. My thought is that when I someday (hopefully) teach one of those classes, I will have plenty of resources to use. It's tough to say what courses I might teach in the future, so I tend to take everything math and science, as well as anything generic that peaks my interest. Needless to say, it becomes a lot of paperwork.

I decided to start going through my piles October 2011, and basically took everything out, and brought over everything I wanted to eventually be in it, and dumped it in front of the cabinet. Like this:

Yes, it was that bad. And this isn't actually a lot of the paperwork, just the random stuff that seem to accumulate. I think it had almost become a junk drawer, a bottomless pit for homeless things in my house.

So after over a year of randomly picking at it, and over a year of collecting even more resources, I finally could call the job complete. While I will always be adding and subtracting from it, it is at least organized and I can find things when I need them.

There is also a 68L plastic tub full of course binders of the classes I have actually taught myself so far. It's a little insane how much stuff I have. I guess most teachers keep their binders at school, but since I don't actually have a school, I get to keep it all at home. In the house that has no storage space. Can't wait to see where it all goes in our new house in 6 months. Hopefully I won't have to re-organize all over again!

Goal # 50 complete! (That puts me at 37% finished my list... good thing many of them are in progress!)

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