Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Take Control Of Your Mind And Meditate, Let Your Soul Gravitate To The Love

I had a fabulous run today! Even with the lovely mist I was being covered with, I felt nearly invincible. What a difference it made to do 3 (albeit longer) intervals as oppose to 4. What a great run. It was almost effortless (I said almost!) until I under-estimated where my last interval would end, and then had to run an extra (long) block. But overall, I feel great.  Now I just need to get caught up on the almost two weeks I am behind!

I feel like I've been mildly ignoring my goals recently, and especially since Nick started the 100 pushup challenge earlier this week, I really feel like I should start working on some of them a little more intensely. I think I will hold off on the pushups until winter (it's a good indoor activity), but there's lots of things I could be doing, and with 6 weeks of vacation coming up, I could be getting together a list of books to read as I lounge in the sun! So I hope to put together some ideas for my literary goals over the next few days. I am also attempting to put together some good quotes for my top 101, so here is a sample:

I believe that anyone can conquer fear by doing the things he fears to do, provided he keeps doing them until he gets a record of successful experiences behind him.

- Eleanor Roosevelt

You can't escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today.

- Abraham Lincoln

The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance, the wise grows it under his feet.

- James Oppenheim

A man who wants something will find a way; a man who doesn't will find an excuse.

- Stephen Dolley Jr


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