Sunday, 19 June 2011

I Can't Step Off The Cloud And I Just Can't Get Enough

It was a pretty fabulous weekend. The weather was beautiful, we spent both afternoons out in the sun with family, it doesn't get much better than that.

Yesterday afternoon we were up at Nick's dad's place, on a small river in a quiet small (small) town about an hour north of us. We sat in the sun, I got to go on my first ATV ride (so much fun!), saw lots of wildlife (jack rabbits, friendly eat-out-of-your-hand chipmunks, turtles), did some fishing (I caught a HUGE 3 inch bass), and had a great BBQ dinner, followed by a fire under the stars. It doesn't get much better than that.

Today we went over to my parents for dinner. While not out in the country, we enjoyed their new back deck and were entertained by their own wildlife: squirrels, chipmunks, and lots of birds including a couple of cardinals. It was a wonderful weekend.

I even managed to do quite well food-wise. I ate lightly during the day, knowing the meals would be out of my hands. I estimated my points as best as I could and even managed to have 1 extra point yesterday. Today I ate a bit more indulgently, but used my weekly points and all was good. The only down side to the weekend is that I didn't coax myself into a run.

I feel like I've trapped myself into this training schedule and I'm fighting the rigidity of it, even if it is self-imposed. I feel like if I want to exercise at all, it's obligatory to be a run, even though maybe I'd like to just go for a walk, or maybe to a class at the gym instead. Thursdays are eaten up by baseball now, which I love, but gives me one less day to potentially run. There seems to be at least one other day during the week that just doesn't work out, and Tuesdays are my grocery and Weight Watchers day. And who wants to run on a Friday?? So my time is getting limited. But since tomorrow is the last day of class, and the rest of the week is exams, I'm hoping a lighter schedule is in my future and I can get caught up on my lagging running schedule soon.

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