Thursday, 16 June 2011

Intuition Tells Me How To Live My Day

In exciting news, I saw the beautiful 179.0 lbs on the scale this morning! Go big or go home I guess. I was very happy to see that.

I listened to a podcast the other day about intuitive eating; basically the art of just knowing what to eat and how much, being mindful of your eating habits. The big question was, could you practice intuitive eating while trying to lose weight. Personally, I'd be inclined to think no, at least not when you first start your journey of weight loss. Obviously your radar isn't quite set right or else you wouldn't be overweight! I think it is good to work towards eventually being a mindful eater, I doubt anyone really wants to have to track calories (or points) diligently for the rest of their lives, but if I knew how to eat properly, I wouldn't be in this position! Plus I think so many of us just don't know what the right thing to eat is. Although us dieters may be incredibly educated in calorie counts and exercise techniques, do our eyes really know what a proper portion size is? Do we really know when our body is craving protein, or carbs? I suppose I can only speak for myself, but my lack of reading my body signals is what got me overweight. I didn't listen when my stomach was bursting at the seams, I just get eating the salt & vinegar chips because the bag wasn't empty. My gauge was whether I finished the entire thing, not whether I was still hungry or not. My visual cues are all wrong for eating healthy, and I need to continue to work on resetting that before I can trust that I instinctively know what the right things to eat are, how much of it to eat, and when.

Any thoughts?

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