Tuesday, 27 August 2013

You Could Resurrect A Thousand Words To Deceive Me

You know that awkward moment in a conversation when the other person used a word that you don't understand? Luckily (assumingly because I work with teenagers) that doesn't happen to me too often, but it could! I'm actually more likely to come across a new word in a book, or on TV (watch Dawson's Creek, its full of pretentious big words). So I signed up for a Word of the Day email and started a list of new words and their definitions.

I was pretty picky; I had to like the look and sound of the word, be able to pronounce it, and be a word I could actually potentially use. It was a cool learning experience, and I did add those words that I often struggle with (I could never remember what ubiquitous meant).

I don't know that I've managed to integrate all (or any) of those new words into my daily conversations; maybe that's a goal for my next list.

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